Friday, December 19, 2014

William S. Tribell & His Leary Jeremiads


We all need places to go; real or not
Contentment in our containment
But that’s cool too
When the room has a view
For a great many
And nothing I can do
The dogs are in again
And we are pissing on the fires

 Begging the Question

The mind outside the mind
Outside the outside, sideways and slippery
Poetic logic – chance
Linear, but many and steadily unsure
The Language of Abjection
Laughing loud but longing
All the while aware and weary
Leary but driven – and so then bold


Human progress is deconstructionism
Our growth is painted death
The lumberyard, the tannery
Our industrial birth
Gods of power
Holding mean sticks or holding flowers
Monkeys with car keys
Chance of rain
Cocaine drain
Second hand, slightly bland
Sterilized and filtered through
Western civilization
And in triumph of the rational mind
The probabilities do not add up
They multiply

Oversexed ne'er–do–well; starving artist type with erratic sleep patterns and a penchant for travel and aimless wandering. A Pushcart Prize nominee; William has contributed to journals and magazines around the world. His favorite color is green, he thinks sushi is great, and he has done his part for Post-It art.