Friday, January 6, 2017

Adam Levon Brown Wipes Away the Soot-Filled Sarcasm for the Whiplash of Solemn to See Better the Stare of Death

I live

I exist in the shadows
of an empty stomach
and broken dreams

I strive for the stars
while sitting amongst
the windswept clouds

I stare in the direction
of the soliloquy sun
while biding my time

I jump at the opportunity
to share a piece of myself
in the bleak December rains

I live for the unexpected
and the train-songs sung
by the unknown poet.

Syllables Never Suited Saints

Drenched in the solitude
Of a soliloquy

Soot-filled sarcasm
Serrates the edge.

A semblance of searing
Sardonic splendor

Separates synapses
In a whiplash of solemn Salivation

Stoic simplification
Saddens the seas

As the sailboat slacks
To a stop

Midnight Stroll

Graveyard bones
against a rotting
termite-infested two by four

The inhabitants
of Mausoleums
remain untouched
and withered

A lone stranger
walks the crypts
at midnight. hoping
to find solace in the dead

Reading black-drop
poetry at the graves in between
whistling Greensleeves
to the Crimson harvest moon

The Stranger kneels by
an open grave and imagines
themselves trapped for all eternity
under Oak and brass

What the stranger doesn't
know is that when you
look at death, death
stares back.

Adam Levon Brown is a published author, poet, amateur photographer, and cat lover. He is owner of Madness Muse Press; a micro-press that publishes dark poetry, editor of Madness Muse Magazine, and a book reviewer for Five 2 One Magazine. He has over 120 poems published in 9 different countries. He has been published in venues such as Burningword Literary Journal, Corvus Review, and Yellow Chair Review. Adam can be contacted via his website at where he offers free poetry resources.