Sunday, April 1, 2018

Rus Khomutoff Chronicles Realm Navigators, Love Pavers, and Spellbound Speculators

Prisoner of infinity
To Felino A. Soriano

Oh Prisoner of infinity
countercurrent between transgression and transaction
insinuation of eternity’s unrepeatable coalescence
poise deposited in an effervescent aye
on this iron chain of birth and annihilation
you espouse your catastrophe of charm
surefire voices that furnish the kiss of death
an unwearying impulse
to decrypt and decipher longing
like an idea infested with platitudes
realm navigator on the edge of consciousness

Sonic threshold of the sacred
To William Carlos Williams

What waxes wanes
the enforced reincarnation hour
and green quartz veins
over the mind of pride
Nowhere you!
Everywhere the electric!
the golden one
living in a poetic world, devouring words
these are the thoughts that run rampant
love paves the way tour existence

Paradise & Method
To Lovebug Starski

An exasperated sigh of grammar and spice
rendered in haphazard lew
vintage wise vanity
lactose intolerant daunt
a dilatation of the dead body of reality
where spirit is no longer
anything but adventitious memory
spellbound speculations
phraseology in completeness
beyond our understanding
the finiteness of type

My name is Rus Khomutoff and I am a neo surrealist language poet in Brooklyn,NY. My poetry has appeared in Erbacce, Occulum, Rasputin, Poethead, and Hypnopomp. I just published my first book entitled Immaculate Days (Alien Buddha Press).