Thursday, April 9, 2020

Howie Good's Days Of The Week, The Overflown Stars, And A Trousered Harpy

Week at a Glance

Sunday stitches eyelids shut. Monday
gesticulates with the soggy, chewed-up
end of a cigar. Tuesday loses a crap job
and never finds another near as good.
Wednesday tumbles to the ground dead,
then gets up and dusts off its clothes.
Thursday, when asked, can’t explain it.
Friday isn’t what you’ve been told it is,
a fist-sized muscle. Saturday tries to slip
in the door without the dog going crazy.


We’re born, given just a few simple lines to speak,
told in a threatening tone not to fuck them up
or stray from the basic script, then go through life
repeating the same weary lines over and over
while being overflown by stars we forget are there.

Burning Bridges

Let there be no doubt
that our world is a cage.
We are living a life
of shadows, of echoes.
You don't look like you
anymore. I wasn't there
even when I was. I'm
a foolish old man who’s
been drawn into a wild
goose chase by a harpy
in trousers. The trail is cold,
if there ever was one.

Source: Quotes from characters played by Jeff Bridges as found on

Howie Good is the author most recently of Stick Figure Opera: 99 100-word Prose Poems from Cajun Mutt Press. He co-edits the online journals Unbroken and UnLost.