Monday, May 18, 2020

Mark Young Follows Lines Of Crypto-Current Fur Trade, The Rains Down In Africa, And Bruised Sun Tzu Hip Bones

A line from Marguerite Duras

A study of Disney theme
parks indicates that cryptocurrency
has few commonalities
with gold. It's just that the

listener is seduced even though
the storytelling itself is suspect
& it's sometimes hard to understand
what is being said. We've

gravitated toward the fur seal
trade. Illegal but clean — there are
no vacations, but no blockchain
hangups to bring you down.

A line from R.E.M.

Only the shoreline feels
certain. There are surfers
nearby. Today's warm up
sketch is a complex chem-

ical reaction between oxy-
gen & that Toto song
Africa looping endlessly
in the Namib desert. Con-

sider this. Some noise on
an evening contains hot
stoves. Elsewhere it may
just be icebergs colliding.

A line from Ferdinand de Lesseps

My browser does not currently re-
cognize any of the video formats
available. It requires two strong men
to carefully keep it in place until

the spawning season is over. I do
not shut my eyes. Patterns form
behind my eyelids. I try to recall
things I have read, have heard. Sun

Tzu comes to mind. Camp on hard
ground, he said, even if you get
bruises on the sides of your hips. It
will help to improve the reception.

Mark Young's most recent books are a collection of visual pieces, The Comedians, from Stale
Objects de Press, & turning to drones, from Concrete Mist Press.