Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Charles J. Marches' Poems: "Tail Chaser, "Glutton For Dysfunction", and "Bloody Mary's PTSD"

Tail Chaser

Glutton For Dysfunction

Bloody Mary's PTSD


Charles J. March III is an asexual, neurodivergent Navy hospital corpsman veteran who is currently trying to live an eclectic life with an interesting array of recovering creatures in Orange County, CA. His various works have appeared in or are forthcoming from Evergreen Review, Atlas Obscura, Litro, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, Lalitamba, 3:AM Magazine, Ink Sweat & Tears, Fleas on the Dog, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, The Recusant, Taco Bell Quarterly, Storm Cellar, Harbinger Asylum, Maudlin House, Misery Tourism, BlazeVOX, Blood Tree Literature (prize), Bareknuckle Poet, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Beatnik Cowboy, Points in Case, Expat Press, Stinkwaves, Young Ravens Literary Review, The Writing Disorder, Literary Orphans, Otoliths, Oddball Magazine, et al. Links to his pieces can be found on LinkedIn and SoundCloud.