Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mark Young's Salted Fish Exports, Homolog of Traits, and a Young Flaubert

 geographies: Nouakchott

No mains drains, no eigen-

vector centrality, no standard

definition of casual work; but

indicators of scientific journal

prestige have been developed

as a further step to provide

tools in a study of the nation's

historical export of salted fish.

geographies: Denpasar

RealFeel, precip, radar; every-

thing you need to explode

the sun in your backyard. A

woman with bobbed hair

marks a pivotal moment in

the emancipation of rabbits,

given that the homolog of

the trait does not exist out-

side of the Billboard Top

100. A gray cameltoe paces

this way & that, unsettled

by the solar explosion &

the subsequent explosion of

free-range rabbits. An ad

for m&ms follows. It has a

soundtrack by Yo Yo Ma.

geographies: Haute-Normandie

In a naive homage

to the theory of

cyclical recurrence

so popular in

Victorian times

& in the belief

that it would make

his product much

more sellable, the

young Flaubert

downsized the

rĂ´le of Madame

Bovary in his screen-

play adaption of the

eponymous book

& made the lead a

black lesbian vampire

with a PhD in nano-

technology who

dreamt of fame

as a soul artist

through funky

interpretations of

polemic poems by

ancient Etruscans

on the necessity

of eternal conflict.

Recent visual &/or text work by Mark Young has appeared or is to appear in Word For/Word, Die Leere Mitte, Home Planet News Online, SurVision, experiential-experimental-literature, Hamilton Stone Review,, & BlazeVOX, among other places. His most recent books are turning to drones, from Concrete Mist Press & turpentine from Luna Bisonte Prods.