

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mark Young's Salted Fish Exports, Homolog of Traits, and a Young Flaubert

 geographies: Nouakchott

No mains drains, no eigen-

vector centrality, no standard

definition of casual work; but

indicators of scientific journal

prestige have been developed

as a further step to provide

tools in a study of the nation's

historical export of salted fish.

geographies: Denpasar

RealFeel, precip, radar; every-

thing you need to explode

the sun in your backyard. A

woman with bobbed hair

marks a pivotal moment in

the emancipation of rabbits,

given that the homolog of

the trait does not exist out-

side of the Billboard Top

100. A gray cameltoe paces

this way & that, unsettled

by the solar explosion &

the subsequent explosion of

free-range rabbits. An ad

for m&ms follows. It has a

soundtrack by Yo Yo Ma.

geographies: Haute-Normandie

In a naive homage

to the theory of

cyclical recurrence

so popular in

Victorian times

& in the belief

that it would make

his product much

more sellable, the

young Flaubert

downsized the

rĂ´le of Madame

Bovary in his screen-

play adaption of the

eponymous book

& made the lead a

black lesbian vampire

with a PhD in nano-

technology who

dreamt of fame

as a soul artist

through funky

interpretations of

polemic poems by

ancient Etruscans

on the necessity

of eternal conflict.

Recent visual &/or text work by Mark Young has appeared or is to appear in Word For/Word, Die Leere Mitte, Home Planet News Online, SurVision, experiential-experimental-literature, Hamilton Stone Review, Utsanga.it, & BlazeVOX, among other places. His most recent books are turning to drones, from Concrete Mist Press & turpentine from Luna Bisonte Prods.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

J.D. Nelson's flora and fauna, Lewis Carroll revival, a fractal fish, dolphin ridge, and a brain on bolts...

 the gamble of the gloss or gloos

peach was a settler on a magnetty little kow earth

that apple is the chain of the normal hum

                your old eclipse

                a wooden why

scrappo lion is the building of the head

the elf of the grass

to sleep with that feather

the same famished wool to be the wolf

the fractal fish

skipped rock sun is a spoon

the barn nabbers of the breakfast welty

the slot or sloot of the earth is a baby boar

the head of the anything cult

a message from the grocer

the wolf is a patient head

the first number one of the valley

standing with the pressure tanks on dolphin ridge

a sack of sharp pieces

the wall of the sinking thorax

downstream from the galaxy

a new model of the earth ready for waterworks

to warm the cold earth on this morning

the macaroni was a gel of the famous winter

                    a western yes

                    a slotted swoon

to name a canopy of barn owls

now for the earth to weigh in on the functions

to creep with the creatures

helio whipple

        bee whipple

the window of earth

a hammer of the bang-bang

the paper bag walking

I have the brain on bolts

that sharing cloud is my friend

the grown plant needs a lift to the soil expo

walking here using the hands this time

a clean rose to be the hello

on the level of the green goose

a little bugg knows how to land


J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words in his subterranean laboratory. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Cinderella City (The Red Ceilings Press, 2012). Visit www.MadVerse.com for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Colorado.