Some Saturday Haiku
Parked in the Target lot
sixty years old
waiting for the weed man
Puffs of morning green
the fog lifts
my path now clear
Fish thaw in fountain pool
dog & I
watch through thin ice
Roxy runs with half a whiffle ball
then drops it
to sniff a neighbor's ass
Another Five Days Gone
Shuffling through the weekend
he knows love
a woman feeds him
he drinks beer
& walks the dog
& talks back to his TV
a puff of smoke
a poem or two
a stone in his soft chair
another five days gone
done is done
let's not talk about it.
Why Ask Why
when we both know
dust to dust
once stars
now this
accept it.
Bart Solarczyk lives in Pittsburgh, PA. His newest chapbook, Right Direction, is scheduled for release this fall courtesy of Lilliput Review's Modest Proposal series. He is the author of eight previous chapbooks.