

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Matthew Borczon And The Irony Of Call Of Duty, Bars Filled With Ghosts, And Leaving Your Son For War


The young soldiers play

call of duty on their x-box

with the war right outside.

Post deployment

On the first night we were home

all the bars were filled

with the ghosts of every soldier and marine I served with.

Pre Deployment

When my son asked  if I was gonna die

I told him no

only mostly sure.

Matthew Borczon in a poet and navy sailor from Erie, Pa. He has published 6 books of poetry the most recent of which is The smallest coffins are the heaviest by Epic rites press. He works as a practical nurse in Erie, Pa where he lives with his wife, four kids, three cats and two dogs. He publishes widely in the small press.

1 comment:

  1. https://climatelessons.blogspot.com/2017_12_27_archive.html
